Birgit Hofreiter
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Birgit Hofreiter is head of the Informatics Innovation Center (i2c) of the Faculty of Informatics at Vienna University of Technology. After her PhD, Birgit spent two years as post doctoral research fellow at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) based on her research work in the field of inter-organisational systems which has been awarded with an Erwin Schrödinger grant (J2634-N15) by the Austrian Science Fund. Before she returned to Vienna, Birgit was assistant professor at the BPM Group at University of Liechtenstein. Birgit has a long time working experience in Business-to-Business and e-Government interoperability by working for the United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and e-Business (UN/CEFACT) to develop standards and recommendations for interoperability used in inter-organizational projects. She has been on the organizing committee of several major e-business related conferences and is executive member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Business Informatics Systems (TC BIS). Additionally, Birgit is on the editorial board of community related journals and editor-in-chief of the IEEE Letter on Business Informatics.
Christian Huemer
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Christian Huemer is associate professor at the Vienna University of Technology, where he also serves as Vice Dean of Academic Affairs for Business Informatics. In addition, he is director of the Research Studios Inter-organizational Systems (IOS) and Smart Agent Technologies (SAT) of Research Studios Austria (RSA) - a not-for-profit research institution. Christian Huemer has a long time working experience in the United Nations Center For Trade Facilitation and e-Business (UN/CEFACT), where he acted for several years as chair of techniques and methodologies. He serves on the board of directors of Austria Pro an e-business promotion agency in co-operation with the Austrian Economic Chamber and he is Austria Pros Chief Standards Officer.
Henderik A. Proper
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Prof.dr. Henderik A. Proper, Erik to friends, is a senior research manager at the Public Research Centre - Henri Tudor in Luxembourg. He also holds a chair in Information Systems at the Radboud University Nijmegen. Erik currently leads the Enterprise Engineering research team involving researchers from these two institutions. His Luxembourg based team works on three large FNR (Luxembourgish research funding agency) funded research projects. Erik is driven by the desire to create theories that work. Therefore, he has always mixed his work in academia with work in industry, by working for consultancy firms. He co-authored two books on enterprise architecture, and provided substantial contributions to two other books on this topic. Erik is one of the co-initiators of the development of the ArchiMate language for Enterprise Architecture. He is also an editor in-chief of a book series on Enterprise Engineering, published by Springer.
Jorge Sanz
National University of Singapore
Dr Jorge Sanz is Director of the Business Analytics Center at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Professor in the School of Computing. The NUS Business Analytics Center is an interdisciplinary graduate education and research center jointly founded by the School of Computing and Business School. He also teaches graduate courses on applications of business analytics in different industries at the NUS Business School.
Jorge has more than 30 years of applied research and practical experience in industry. He has worked in banking, telecommunications, government and health care for global and medium firms in America and Europe. He works in Strategy and the use of Information Technology for transforming the front-office of organizations. He has worked at different times in IBM Research for over 15 years on image computing, parallel processing and services systems. Jorge works on statistical modeling for business problems and applied analytics for companies and macro-economics, with applications in social business. He also conducts research on process innovation in organizations as well as analytics for business performance modeling and prediction in firms.
Jorge leads international academic and professional activities in Business Informatics and Service Engineering and has chaired a number conferences on the interplay of business and IT for IEEE and other associations. He has been the President of the University of St. Andrews, Professor in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Visiting Professor in University of California. Today he teaches, conducts research and advises more than 40 graduate students in the National University of Singapore.
Jorge works as an International Assignee from IBM Research in Singapore. He is also Chief Innovation Officer for Retail Banking in IBM Corporation. He actively consults for Asian, European, North American and Latin American companies. He is a Fellow of the IEEE Society.
KJ Lin
University of California, Irvine, USA
Since 1993, KJ Lin has been a Professor in the EECS Department at the University of California, Irvine. He is an IEEE Fellow and Editor-In-Chief of the Springer journal on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. He is also the Editor-In-Chief of the Software Publication Track of the Journal of Information Science and Engineering. He was the Co-Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Business Informatics and Systems (TCBIS) 2003-2011. He was an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2002-2006, and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1996-2000. He is a Principal Scientist of the Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center which is a collaborative effort between Intel and National Taiwan University for the development of machine-to-machine (M2M) technologies. He has organized many international conferences, most recently as conference chairs of CEC 2012 and SOCA 2011, program vice-chairs of ICPP 2010 and ICPADS 2011. His research interest includes service-oriented computing, sensor systems, enterprise system middleware, real-time systems, and distributed computing.
Stéphane Marchand-Maillet
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Stéphane Marchand-Maillet is Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at University of Geneva, Switzerland. He holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics from Imperial College UK. He is the founding leader of the Viper Research group on Information Retrieval and Machine Learning. His research interests are related to Information Mining, Recommendation and Retrieval applied to Multimedia, Business and e-Learning data. He is involved in several international scientific committees, including as Chair of the Technical Committee 12 of the International Association for Pattern Recognition. He was general co-chair of the ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (ACM CIVR 2009) and ACM SIGIR Conference on R&D on Information Retrieval (ACM SIGIR 2010).